Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Grand "Emma" Ball

I bid you enter into the world of English Country Dancing, an art form which takes everyday guys and gals and transforms them into...

A parting glare from 'Mr. Darcy' ;)


Anonymous said...

I wish I could've been there! Looks like so much fun! :D Everyone's cosumes look great!

Christi said...

Em, you look really pretty! Is the dress you were wearing the one you were telling me about?

King's child said...

Oooh, your dress is so pretty Emily! :D Any idea what the next ball theme is to be?


Heart's Homestead said...


Krista - I missed seeing you there! It was quite elegant and fun.

Christi - yes, thanks so much for helping me out with it!

Caity - thanks :) The next ball is Literary Theme - dress up as your favorite literary character!